GPS-Denied Navigation (Application In Development)



GSI hardware and algorithms can create real-time SAR image data from Radar signals and then utilize dense registration software while the results are in device memory to identify landmarks and use this information for directional alignment of a  moving asset.

The nature the GSI APU is that once the data from the sensor is in the APU device, it can be iteratively processed for SAR image, dense registration, and even navigation correction without having to incur I/O latencies of transferring to different processing systems.

Target Applications

  • Navigation assistance in GPS-denied environments
  • Drone or UAV navigation from-to in harsh environments




GPS-Denied Navigation Products

Leda-E 2U Server Contact for Configurations
Leda-S 1U Server Contact for Configurations
Leda-E PCIe card Contact for Purchase
For additional products concerning smaller, lower power variants, or IP, please contact GSI for details.



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